What We Do
We carry out signal and power integrity analysis on existing PCB products in order to locate and fix SI and PI problems. We also analyse new products during the PCB layout phase to validate designs and avoid SI and PI headaches arising in the first place.
Who Uses Us and Why?
Our typical clients are designers of printed circuit-based products that use high-speed digital electronics. An ever increasing number of today’s integrated circuits incorporate IO buffers that are capable of switching at extremely high slew-rates. This fast switching transient is the root-cause of virtually all signal integrity problems. Consequently, silicon vendors often state in their design guides that..
“signal and power integrity analysis MUST be carried out as part of the design-in process, otherwise correct operation cannot be guaranteed”
Common areas of concern for our clients are memory interfaces and SERDES channels, as these are generally the most critical areas of a design and also carry the highest risk of failure. If you are involved in the design of any of the following technologies, then signal and power integrity analysis should be at the forefront of your mind though the design process.
Memory Controllers (66MHz to 3,200MHz)
- DIMM / SODIMM Memory Modules
Serial Links (125MHz to 50GHz):
- Xilinx Spartan, Virtex, Kintex, Artix, Zynq – RocketIO
- Intel Stratix, Arria, Cyclone – HSS
- PCI-Express, Gen1-4
- USB 2.0, USB 3.0, USB 4.0
- Gigabit, 10Gigabit, 100Gigabit Ethernet
What Design Systems are we Compatible With?
Yours! Our signal integrity analysis tools are compatible with ANY design system. For many clients their SI analysis begins prior to commencing any PCB design activity. We can run simulations of systems that are at the schematic design stage, or even designs that are nothing more than a vague concept. Where physical design-data does exist, we can import the PCB layout from ANY design system.

Printed Circuit Board Design. In order to resolve your SI/PI issues, your printed circuit board layout will almost certainly require modification. If necessary, this is something that we can look after on your behalf as we are also one of the country’s largest PCB design bureaux. We would be happy to quote for carrying out any necessary edits or even re-designing your layout from scratch.
For more information on our PCB design and library management services, click on the image below to be taken to our PCB design website.